It's hard to believe that Macade is 5+ months old. This morning we FINALLY saw one of his bottom teeth pop through. Last week was a rough week for our little guy. Let me tell you teething is not a fun process. Last week Macade was up in the middle of the night, two time. On Tuesday night he was up from 11:30 PM to 2:30 PM and Thursday night from midnight until 4:30 AM. This was pretty traumatic seeing that he has slept through the night since he was 2 & 1/2 months. It's not fun when he can't tell you what's wrong. He is back to sleeping through the night...yeah!!!
Last weekend was very eventful. Our friends Sam and Lisa came to town from Petaluma. We had a wonderful visit with them...I took a couple pictures and will post them soon.
Saturday morning Macade had his pictures taken...they turned out SO cute. He is such a handsome little man. You can check out the proofs at and a few others are posted on Breanne's blog We are very please with them...thanks Breanne. Then after spending a wonderful day with Sam and Lisa we headed to Bakersfield for a birthday celebration and to spend time with Nana and Papa O'Bannon.
Dear Michelle,
I just had a chance to peek at your blog... its amazing!!! love all the photos! I enjoyed you 2 this weekend, Macade is so handsome! Thanks again and hope all is well, BTW- Brian says hi!
-Breanne Schaap
Hey you bad blogger... give us some new pics!!!
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